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About Us

Expert Functional Medicine Dietitian on a mission to help you reverse food-related conditions & optimize health

At Consciously Well LLC, we are passionate about helping individuals embrace a conscious and holistic approach to wellness. Our journey began with a vision to empower people to live their best lives through optimal nutrition, mindful choices, and a comprehensive understanding of their well-being.

Our Mission

We are dedicated to providing personalized wellness solutions that cater to your unique needs. By combining our expertise in nutrition, therapeutic diets, healthcare, meal prep, and culinary arts, we aim to inspire and support you on your path to improved health, vitality, and balance.

Dedicated to Your Health

Food is a powerful form of medicine but that does not translate to having the perfect diet. It’s about setting the intention to nourish every cell in the body rather than overly restrict or diet.

"Consciously Well LLC has transformed my approach to food and health. Their nutrition guidance has helped me achieve my weight loss goals and feel more energized than ever."
Ana Brown
"The therapeutic diet plan provided by Consciously Well LLC has made a significant difference in managing my chronic health condition. I'm grateful for their expertise and ongoing support."
John David
"The meal prep service has been a game-changer for me. I can now enjoy healthy, delicious meals without the stress of planning and cooking. Thank you, Consciously Well LLC!"
Sam David

Personalized nutrition is one of our Core Contributors to Health. But we also have to zoom out and look at the entire equation for optimal health.